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Edgar Kline Seedling cir. 1935

Edgar Kline Seedling cir. 1935

Item# T-14
Archive Item
The name of this cross was not recorded on photo. It was recorded as being T. A. Havenmeyer x L x aurelianense by Edgar Kline circa 1935-36 T.A. Havenmeyer (L. sulphureum x L. henryi)

Photo Inserts L. sargentiae, courtesy Rimmer de Vires, L. sulpherium, photo #1 courtesy Bill & Mary Hoffman Collection, L. sulpherium, color photo, courtesy Joseph Nemmer, L. henryi, photo B & D Lilies. Photo Kline Seedling courtesy Bill & Mary Hoffman Collection.

©2017-2020, Robert J. Gibson. This page is for reference only, not an offer to sell bulbs of this lily cultivar.
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