How to plan, plant and grow lily bulbs successfully.
Never planted lily bulbs before? Need help with planting lilies in a new location? Our Cultural Guides help you plan, prepare and tend to your lily’s prosperity.

Worried about frost or snow before planting? The first snowstorm of October or November may be a cause for concern if you are planting shrubs or perennials, but do not worry about lily bulbs from B&D Lilies. Being completely dormant and safely tucked underground, they will not be harmed by the sudden changes in weather. Click bulb trio photo to learn more.

When researching your location, bear in mind that the map lines are not absolute and each garden has it's own unique micro-climate. Neighborhoods with more trees blocking the wind, hills that "drain" away moisture faster, concrete bulkheads, sidewalks and driveways that tend to collect heat, as well as southern exposures will allow you to grow plants that might not be recommended for your area. The general guidelines are based on average low temperature.