Don't want to miss out on anything new?

Register to receive advance notice of web-only sales, timely cultural information and new catalog uploads here. We send 8 to 10 emails per year, some closer together as we upload the latest print catalog, offer items we think you might like, or give reminders on cultural care. Summertime messages are generally spaced further apart.
Even if you have recently received a newsletter from us, please UPDATE your e-mail contact information now, as we are "pruning" our older email addresses and you might be accidentally dropped if you do not re-confirm your information. Updating your information and indicating the general area in which you live will also help us to tailor cultural information chosen for each newsletter.
This is a permission-based benefit; our server will send you a confirmation e-mail, you will only need to click on "reply" from within your email program to acknowledge that you want the subscription. You can discontinue receiving general e-mails from us at any time. Our system is automatic, if you employ a service that requires senders to type in a code to contact you, this signup for our newsletter will not work and you will need to email us directly to be manually added to our list.
Click here to be on our e-mail list. A new window will open, directing you to the sign up form, where you can also choose what type of information you would like to receive. Watch for an email 24 hours after you confirm your subscription with a (hint, hint) special offer.
Even if you have recently received a newsletter from us, please UPDATE your e-mail contact information now, as we are "pruning" our older email addresses and you might be accidentally dropped if you do not re-confirm your information. Updating your information and indicating the general area in which you live will also help us to tailor cultural information chosen for each newsletter.
This is a permission-based benefit; our server will send you a confirmation e-mail, you will only need to click on "reply" from within your email program to acknowledge that you want the subscription. You can discontinue receiving general e-mails from us at any time. Our system is automatic, if you employ a service that requires senders to type in a code to contact you, this signup for our newsletter will not work and you will need to email us directly to be manually added to our list.
Click here to be on our e-mail list. A new window will open, directing you to the sign up form, where you can also choose what type of information you would like to receive. Watch for an email 24 hours after you confirm your subscription with a (hint, hint) special offer.