'Lilium bakerianum var. rubrum'
(Deep Red Form)
(Species / Wild Lily)
An exceedingly rare deep red color form of L. bakerianum that was photographed in natural habitat, Huidong, Sichuan Province, China by Bjornar Olsen of Norway. As shown in the 2017-2018 issue of Lilies and Related Plants in an excellent article on Lily Hunting in China by Mr. Olsen. No copyright infringement is intended.
Coypright Bjornar Olsen, Chinese Alpines, at http://www.chinesealpines.com. All rights reserved. http://www.chinesealpines.com offers a great selection of rare Chinese Species including the more common but still quite rare pink form of this species as well as other hard to find garden gems.
Native to China, well drained location is a must as well as winter protection.
This page is for reference only, not as an offer to sell species bulbs or seeds by B & D Lilies.
An exceedingly rare deep red color form of L. bakerianum that was photographed in natural habitat, Huidong, Sichuan Province, China by Bjornar Olsen of Norway. As shown in the 2017-2018 issue of Lilies and Related Plants in an excellent article on Lily Hunting in China by Mr. Olsen. No copyright infringement is intended.
Coypright Bjornar Olsen, Chinese Alpines, at http://www.chinesealpines.com. All rights reserved. http://www.chinesealpines.com offers a great selection of rare Chinese Species including the more common but still quite rare pink form of this species as well as other hard to find garden gems.
Native to China, well drained location is a must as well as winter protection.
This page is for reference only, not as an offer to sell species bulbs or seeds by B & D Lilies.