'Lilium canadense var. canadense'
This photo came to us years ago and we believe it was submitted by William Holden as the background appears to be his garden. The USDA says that
L. canadense var. canadense is now an obsolete term. We are labeling this unusually colored and spotted variety as it was received from Bill. If only a variant of L. canadense var. flavum, we feel this selection is unique enough to have its own listing.
This page is for reference only, not as an offer to sell species bulbs or seeds.
L. canadense var. canadense is now an obsolete term. We are labeling this unusually colored and spotted variety as it was received from Bill. If only a variant of L. canadense var. flavum, we feel this selection is unique enough to have its own listing.
This page is for reference only, not as an offer to sell species bulbs or seeds.