'Lilium canadense var. coccineum'
(Species / Wild Lily)
The rare brick red color form of the type, this variant grows well alongside its more common yellow flowered cousin. 'Coccineum' has always held a special spot in our heart as it was with this species we won not only our first blue ribbon at the show bench, but best in class as well. Photo copyright B & D Lilies, all rights reserved.
This page is for reference only, not as an offer to sell species bulbs or seeds.
The rare brick red color form of the type, this variant grows well alongside its more common yellow flowered cousin. 'Coccineum' has always held a special spot in our heart as it was with this species we won not only our first blue ribbon at the show bench, but best in class as well. Photo copyright B & D Lilies, all rights reserved.
This page is for reference only, not as an offer to sell species bulbs or seeds.