'Saltarello' - Orienpet Lily Bulb

Flower Description: ‘Saltarello’ was the folk dance of central Italy that was a favored dance during Roman carnivals. A fast triple meter with a particular hop on the final upbeat,this ‘Saltarello’ will keep your garden jumping with color.
More intense in color than 'Eudoxia', this new fragrant Oriental-Trumpet lily has superior resistance to hot days and sun fading. More like the old-fashioned Trumpet lily, 'Copper King', but with stronger stems and not being as sensitive to damage by late frosts. 4 to 5 feet. Late July / Early August Flowering. Fragrant.
From San Diego: Some comments on this year's bulbs. Saltarello is incredible! It keeps showing various colors as it goes through its bloom cycle (and I don't mean that it fades!).
From Oakland, California: Saltarello should be sold as an anti-depressant.
Upon receiving the above email from our customer in Oakland I remembered a line from ‘La damnation de Faust’ by Hector Berloiz who referred to this “free form oratoria” (contata) rather than opera as his “legende dramatique”. The email reminded me of one line sung by ‘Faust’ while in a state of depression over his position or state in life, “Oh Earth, only for me have you no flowers”? If you are feeling a bit down from time to time, maybe ‘Saltarello will help. This “legende dramatique” lily is sure to brighten your spirits and raise your current mood to a higher level.
Very Limited Supply for spring 2017 delivery.
Bulb Size - Our standard for bulbs of this lily cultivar ranges from Premium-size» (16/18 cm) to Exhibition-size» (over 20 cm). Click here for details.
Classification: Orienpet Hybrid Lily Bulb (USDA Zones 5-9, the colder climates of this range must provide winter mulching.)
Stock # 9064 - 'Saltarello' - Orienpet Lily Bulb