Ombra mai fu - J. Mak Oriental™
'Ombra mai fu' from Handel's 'Serse' is one of the most emotional and moving arias found in opera. Of special significance to our personal lives and forever burned into our memories was a performance of this piece by our classically trained vocalist daughter, that while tears flowed freely, audible gasps were heard from her audience as the final note faded away.
Tender and beautiful petals
of my beloved lily flower
let the heavens always smile upon you.
May thunder, lightning, and storms
never disturb your dear peace,
nor may you by blowing winds be profaned.
Never was the fragrance nor color
of any lily
dearer and more lovely,
nor more sweet.
'Ombra mai fu' displays a shade of purest pink that blends with subtle perfection to soft yellow centers. Truly this is a 'Largo of Love' in color and fragrance and to view 'Ombra' in person is to gain a glimpse of the beauty and fragrances of Heaven. This newest hybrid of Johan Mak is certainly nothing less than peerless elegance in fragrance and beauty. It simply does not get any better than this.
As with many of Johan's magnificent creations, the parentage of 'Ombra mai fu' is unknown, the result of over a half century of breeding select seedlings to select seedlings. In our 45 years as B & D Lilies, never have we seen such a rich color combination combining pink and yellow in such a perfect blend. We believe Johan to be THE top breeder in the world, and this latest example of his work does nothing but confirm our feelings as never has there been anything released out of the breeding houses of Holland that can hold a candle to this work of art.
Shown to be very color fast in the heat of the garden bringing forth these bulbs, as will all pinks, we always recommend some light afternoon shade for best overall color. Late June. 3 to 4 Feet. Sweet, Spicy Fragrance.
Limited Production
Classification: Oriental Hybrid Lily (USDA Zones 7b-9, lows to +5 F. Winter mulch recommended in the colder climates)
Stock #7151 - 'Ombra mai fu' - J. Mak Oriental Lily
Tender and beautiful petals
of my beloved lily flower
let the heavens always smile upon you.
May thunder, lightning, and storms
never disturb your dear peace,
nor may you by blowing winds be profaned.
Never was the fragrance nor color
of any lily
dearer and more lovely,
nor more sweet.
'Ombra mai fu' displays a shade of purest pink that blends with subtle perfection to soft yellow centers. Truly this is a 'Largo of Love' in color and fragrance and to view 'Ombra' in person is to gain a glimpse of the beauty and fragrances of Heaven. This newest hybrid of Johan Mak is certainly nothing less than peerless elegance in fragrance and beauty. It simply does not get any better than this.
As with many of Johan's magnificent creations, the parentage of 'Ombra mai fu' is unknown, the result of over a half century of breeding select seedlings to select seedlings. In our 45 years as B & D Lilies, never have we seen such a rich color combination combining pink and yellow in such a perfect blend. We believe Johan to be THE top breeder in the world, and this latest example of his work does nothing but confirm our feelings as never has there been anything released out of the breeding houses of Holland that can hold a candle to this work of art.
Shown to be very color fast in the heat of the garden bringing forth these bulbs, as will all pinks, we always recommend some light afternoon shade for best overall color. Late June. 3 to 4 Feet. Sweet, Spicy Fragrance.
Limited Production
Classification: Oriental Hybrid Lily (USDA Zones 7b-9, lows to +5 F. Winter mulch recommended in the colder climates)
Stock #7151 - 'Ombra mai fu' - J. Mak Oriental Lily