'Double Strawberry Vanilla' - Asiatic Hybrid Lily

Flower Description: Double-flowered peachy-pink Asiatic that is very fluffy and rounded. Colors blend from apricot to bright orange throughout the petals for a yummy look. Pollen-free flowers, which means like ‘Orange Cocette’ and ‘Aphrodite’, there is no need to pick off the anthers before bringing them indoors for a vase. 3 Feet. July flowering. Unscented.
Save $4.00 on package of 6 Bulbs of this variety (Automatically figured in your shopping cart.)
Bulb Size - Our standard for bulbs of this lily cultivar ranges from Premium-size™ (14/16 cm) to Exhibition-size™ (over 20 cm). Click here for details.
Classification: Asiatic Hybrid Lily Bulb(USDA Zones 3-10, lows to -40° F.)
Stock # 1334 - 'Double Strawberry Vanilla' - Asiatic Lily Bulb