'Orange Lionheart' - Asiatic
Flower Description: Large flowered upwards facing flowers of deep orange, with purple-black accents. Sturdy stems and long lasting blooms. This lily originally came to us mixed in with planting stock of 'Yellow Lionheart'. Usually, mixes in the planting stock are not a welcomed sight, but this beauty made it well worth the effort to dig them out by hand before harvesting the row. Mid / Late June Flowering, 3 to 4 Feet. Unscented. Last offered in fall of 2016.
Very Limited Supply for fall 2018 delivery. 30 Bulbs Available.
Bulb Size - Our standard for bulbs of this lily cultivar ranges from Premium-size™ (14/16 cm) to Exhibition-size™ (over 20 cm). Click here for details.
Classification: Asiatic Hybrid Lily Bulb(USDA Zones 3-10, lows to -40° F.)
Stock # 1005 - 'Orange Lionheart' - Asiatic Lily Bulb